Friday 23 November 2012


This morning I set off full of excitement, I found out that there is usually a farmers market in Beeston on a Friday morning and I had intended to do some drawing there until heading to my tutorial.

Do you see how much I was looking forward to it?? I had even made myself a little concertina sketchbook (which I learnt to make in the book binding workshop yesterday, more on that soon) and carefully selected what pens and pencils I was going to work with.

Unfortunately the farmers market was not there, which makes sense as it is November and therefore probably not peak time for farmers markets. I was disappointed but decided to make the best of a bad situation by asking some of the owners of fruit and veg stalls in the area if I could take some photos to then work from at home. Not ideal, but I didn't feel like I could draw on location standing in front of the stall - I'd get in the way! I really want to move away and stop just drawing from a screen soon though.

The point of this post was to show another sort of little animation that I'd made of the quick little sketches I'd made. I found it really interesting to do as it helps me think more about my process and sequence when I'm drawing, and also helps me to see when I've gone too far and ruined it (you can judge for yourself when that is).

1 comment:

  1. I've tried uploading my after effects video and it won't let me! Is there a specific way to do it?
